He wanted to become an entrepreneur but could not leave the comforts of his job.Working from home is a huge plus you have the luxury of staying at home and you get the benefits of having a job.My cousin is a research fellow at the university, so gets the freedom of a student and the privileges of a professor.You cannot have the best of both worlds.” “You can get this item for cheap, but you’ll have to compromise on quality.“If you decide to live here you get the greenery of the countryside and the amenities of urban life.to be a part of things that are very different to each other through their inherent nature.to enjoy somethings that are opposite in nature by concealing involvement in one or both.

the best features of two different things.a situation where one can enjoy the benefit of two different opportunities.a situation in which one can get the advantages of two different or contrasting things at the same time.The best of both worlds also, the best of all possible worlds Meaning | Synonyms